typescript/adjacent-overload-signatures Style ​
What it does ​
Require that function overload signatures be consecutive.
Why is this bad? ​
Function overload signatures represent multiple ways a function can be called, potentially with different return types. It's typical for an interface or type alias describing a function to place all overload signatures next to each other. If Signatures placed elsewhere in the type are easier to be missed by future developers reading the code.
Example ​
declare namespace Foo {
export function foo(s: string): void;
export function foo(n: number): void;
export function bar(): void;
export function foo(sn: string | number): void;
type Foo = {
foo(s: string): void;
foo(n: number): void;
bar(): void;
foo(sn: string | number): void;
interface Foo {
foo(s: string): void;
foo(n: number): void;
bar(): void;
foo(sn: string | number): void;
class Foo {
foo(s: string): void;
foo(n: number): void;
bar(): void {}
foo(sn: string | number): void {}
export function foo(s: string): void;
export function foo(n: number): void;
export function bar(): void;
export function foo(sn: string | number): void;
How to use ​
To enable this rule in the CLI or using the config file, you can use:
oxlint --deny typescript/adjacent-overload-signatures
"rules": {
"typescript/adjacent-overload-signatures": "error"