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react_perf/jsx-no-new-array-as-prop Perf

What it does

Prevent Arrays that are local to the current method from being used as values of JSX props.

Why is this bad?

Using locally defined Arrays as values for props can lead to unintentional re-renders and performance issues. Every time the parent component renders, a new instance of the Array is created, causing unnecessary re-renders of child components. This also leads to harder-to-maintain code as the component's props are not passed consistently.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

<Item list={[]} />
<Item list={new Array()} />
<Item list={Array()} />
<Item list={this.props.list || []} />
<Item list={this.props.list ? this.props.list : []} />

Examples of correct code for this rule:

<Item list={this.props.list} />


Released under the MIT License.