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oxc/no-rest-spread-properties Restriction ​

What it does ​

Disallow Object Rest/Spread Properties.

Example ​

let { x, ...y } = z;
let z = { x, ...y };

Options ​

  "rules": {
    "no-rest-spread-properties": [
        "objectSpreadMessage": "Object spread properties are not allowed.",
        "objectRestMessage": "Object rest properties are not allowed."
  • objectSpreadMessage: A message to display when object spread properties are found.
  • objectRestMessage: A message to display when object rest properties are found.

How to use ​

To enable this rule in the CLI or using the config file, you can use:

oxlint --deny oxc/no-rest-spread-properties
  "rules": {
    "oxc/no-rest-spread-properties": "error"

References ​

Released under the MIT License.