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jsx_a11y/html-has-lang Correctness ​

✅ This rule is turned on by default.

What it does ​

Ensures that every HTML document has a lang attribute

Why is this bad? ​

If the language of a webpage is not specified, the screen reader assumes the default language set by the user. Language settings become an issue for users who speak multiple languages and access website in more than one language.

Example ​

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

<html />

Examples of correct code for this rule:

<html lang="en" />

How to use ​

To enable this rule in the CLI or using the config file, you can use:

oxlint --deny jsx-a11y/html-has-lang --jsx-a11y-plugin
  "plugins": ["jsx-a11y"],
  "rules": {
    "jsx-a11y/html-has-lang": "error"

References ​

Released under the MIT License.