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eslint/no-prototype-builtins Pedantic

What it does

Disallow calling some Object.prototype methods directly on objects

Why is this bad?

In ECMAScript 5.1, Object.create was added, which enables the creation of objects with a specified [[Prototype]]. Object.create(null) is a common pattern used to create objects that will be used as a Map. This can lead to errors when it is assumed that objects will have properties from Object.prototype. This rule prevents calling some Object.prototype methods directly from an object. Additionally, objects can have properties that shadow the builtins on Object.prototype, potentially causing unintended behavior or denial-of-service security vulnerabilities. For example, it would be unsafe for a webserver to parse JSON input from a client and call hasOwnProperty directly on the resulting object, because a malicious client could send a JSON value like {"hasOwnProperty": 1} and cause the server to crash.

To avoid subtle bugs like this, it’s better to always call these methods from Object.prototype. For example, foo.hasOwnProperty("bar") should be replaced with, "bar").


var hasBarProperty = foo.hasOwnProperty("bar");
var isPrototypeOfBar = foo.isPrototypeOf(bar);
var barIsEnumerable = foo.propertyIsEnumerable("bar");


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