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eslint/no-duplicate-imports Style ​

🚧 An auto-fix is still under development.

What it does ​

Disallow duplicate module imports.

Why is this bad? ​

Using a single import statement per module will make the code clearer because you can see everything being imported from that module on one line.

Examples ​

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

In the following example the module import on line 1 is repeated on line 3. These can be combined to make the list of imports more succinct.

import { merge } from "module";
import something from "another-module";
import { find } from "module";

Examples of correct code for this rule:

import { merge, find } from "module";
import something from "another-module";

Options ​

includeExports ​

{ "includeExports": boolean }

When true this rule will also look at exports to see if there is both a re-export of a module as in export ... from 'module' and also a standard import statement for the same module. This would count as a rule violation because there are in a sense two statements importing from the same module.

Examples of incorrect when this rule is set to true

import { merge } from "module";

export { find } from "module"; // re-export which is an import and an export.

Examples of correct when this rule is set to true

If re-exporting from an imported module, you should add the imports to the import statement, and export that directly, not use export ... from.

import { merge } from "lodash-es";
export { merge as lodashMerge };
import { merge, find } from "module";

// cannot be merged with the above import
export * as something from "module";

// cannot be written differently
export * from "module";

How to use ​

To enable this rule in the CLI or using the config file, you can use:

oxlint --deny no-duplicate-imports
  "rules": {
    "no-duplicate-imports": "error"

References ​

Released under the MIT License.