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The lexer, also known as tokenizer or scanner, is responsible for transforming source text into tokens. The tokens will later be consumed by the parser so we don't have to worry about whitespaces and comments from the original text.

Let's start simple and transform a single + text into a token.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Token {
    /// Token Type
    pub kind: Kind,

    /// Start offset in source
    pub start: usize,

    /// End offset in source
    pub end: usize,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub enum Kind {
    Eof, // end of file

A single + gives us

    Token { kind: Kind::Plus, start: 0, end: 1 },
    Token { kind: Kind::Eof,  start: 1, end: 1 }

To loop through the string, we can either keep track of an index and pretend that we are writing C code, or we can take a look at the string documentation and find ourselves a Chars iterator to work with.


The Chars iterator abstracts away the tracking index and boundary checking to make us feel truly safe.

It gives us an Option<char> when we call But please note that a char is not a 0-255 ASCII value, it is a utf8 Unicode point value with the range of 0 to 0x10FFFF.

Let's define a starter lexer abstraction

use std::str::Chars;

struct Lexer<'a> {
    /// Source Text
    source: &'a str,

    /// The remaining characters
    chars: Chars<'a>

impl<'a> Lexer<'a> {
    pub fn new(source: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self {
            chars: source.chars()


The lifetime 'a here indicates the iterator has a reference to somewhere, it references to a &'a str in this case.

To convert the source text to tokens, just keep calling and match on the returned chars. The final token will always be Kind::Eof.

impl<'a> Lexer<'a> {
    fn read_next_kind(&mut self) -> Kind {
        while let Some(c) = {
            match c {
              '+' => return Kind::Plus,
              _ => {}

    fn read_next_token(&mut self) -> Token {
        let start = self.offset();
        let kind = self.read_next_kind();
        let end = self.offset();
        Token { kind, start, end }

    /// Get the length offset from the source text, in UTF-8 bytes
    fn offset(&self) -> usize {
        self.source.len() - self.chars.as_str().len()

The .len() and .as_str().len() method calls inside fn offset feel like O(n), so let's dig deeper.

.as_str() returns a pointer to a string slice


pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'a str {
    // SAFETY: `Chars` is only made from a str, which guarantees the iter is valid UTF-8.
    unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(self.iter.as_slice()) }

A slice is a view into a block of memory represented as a pointer and a length. The .len() method returns the metadata stored inside the slice


pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'a str {
    // SAFETY: `Chars` is only made from a str, which guarantees the iter is valid UTF-8.
    unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(self.iter.as_slice()) }

pub const fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
    // SAFETY: const sound because we transmute two types with the same layout
    unsafe { mem::transmute(self) }

pub const fn len(&self) -> usize {
    // FIXME: Replace with `crate::ptr::metadata(self)` when that is const-stable.
    // As of this writing this causes a "Const-stable functions can only call other
    // const-stable functions" error.

    // SAFETY: Accessing the value from the `PtrRepr` union is safe since *const T
    // and PtrComponents<T> have the same memory layouts. Only std can make this
    // guarantee.
    unsafe { crate::ptr::PtrRepr { const_ptr: self }.components.metadata }

All the above code will get compiled into a single data access, so .as_str().len() is actually O(1).


To tokenize multi-character operators such as ++ or +=, a helper function peek is required:

fn peek(&self) -> Option<char> {

We don't want to advance the original chars iterator so we clone the iterator and advance the index.


The clone is cheap if we dig into the source code, it just copies the tracking and boundary index.


impl<T> Clone for Iter<'_, T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Iter { ptr: self.ptr, end: self.end, _marker: self._marker }

The difference between peek and is the former will always return the same next char, while the later will move forward and return a different char.

To demonstrate, consider the string abc:

  • repeated peek() call returns Some(a), Some(a), Some(a), ...
  • repeated call returns Some('a'), Some('b'), Some('c'), None.

Equipped with peek, tokenizing ++ and += are just nested if statements.

Here is a real-world implementation from jsparagus:


'+' => match self.peek() {
    Some('+') => {;
        return self.set_result(
            SourceLocation::new(start, self.offset()),
    Some('=') => {;
        return self.set_result(
            SourceLocation::new(start, self.offset()),
    _ => return self.set_result(
        SourceLocation::new(start, self.offset()),

The above logic applies to all operators, so let us expand our knowledge on lexing JavaScript.


A lexer written in Rust is rather boring, it feels like writing C code where we write long chained if statements and check for each char and then return the respective token.

The real fun begins when we start lexing for JavaScript.

Let's open up the ECMAScript Language Specification and re-learn JavaScript.


I still remember the first time I opened up the specification and went into a little corner and cried in agony because it feels like reading foreign text with jargons everywhere. So head over to my guide on reading the specification if things don't make sense.


Comments have no semantic meaning, they can be skipped if we are writing a runtime, but they need to be taken into consideration if we are writing a linter or a bundler.

Identifiers and Unicode

We mostly code in ASCII, but Chapter 11 ECMAScript Language: Source Text states the source text should be in Unicode. And Chapter 12.6 Names and Keywords states the identifiers are interpreted according to the Default Identifier Syntax given in Unicode Standard Annex #31. In detail:

IdentifierStartChar ::

IdentifierPartChar ::

UnicodeIDStart ::
    any Unicode code point with the Unicode property “ID_Start”

UnicodeIDContinue ::
    any Unicode code point with the Unicode property “ID_Continue”

This means that we can write var ಠ_ಠ but not var 🦀, has the Unicode property "ID_Start" while 🦀 does not.


I published the unicode-id-start crate for this exact purpose. unicode_id_start::is_id_start(char) and unicode_id_start::is_id_continue(char) can be called to check Unicode.


All the keywords such as if, while and for need to be tokenized and interpreted as a whole. They need to be added to the token kind enum so we don't have to make string comparisons in the parser.

pub enum Kind {


undefined is not a keyword, it is unnecessary to add it here.

Tokenizing keywords will just be matching the identifier from above.

fn match_keyword(&self, ident: &str) -> Kind {
    // all keywords are 1 <= length <= 10
    if ident.len() == 1 || ident.len() > 10 {
        return Kind::Identifier;
    match ident {
        "if" => Kind::If,
        "while" => Kind::While,
        "for" => Kind::For,
        _ => Kind::Identifier

Token Value

We often need to compare identifiers, numbers and strings in later stages of the compiler phases, for example testing against identifiers inside a linter,

These values are currently in plain source text, let's convert them to Rust types so they are easier to work with.

pub enum Kind {
    Eof, // end of file
    // highlight-start
    // highlight-end

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Token {
    /// Token Type
    pub kind: Kind,

    /// Start offset in source
    pub start: usize,

    /// End offset in source
    pub end: usize,

    // highlight-next-line
    pub value: TokenValue,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum TokenValue {

When an identifier foo or string "bar" is tokenized , we get

Token { kind: Kind::Identifier, start: 0, end: 2, value: TokenValue::String("foo") }
Token { kind: Kind::String, start: 0, end: 4, value: TokenValue::String("bar") }

To convert them to Rust strings, call let s = self.source[token.start..token.end].to_string() and save it with token.value = TokenValue::String(s).

When we tokenized a number 1.23, we get a token with Token { start: 0, end: 3 }. To convert it to Rust f64, we can use the string parse method by calling self.source[token.start..token.end].parse::<f64>(), and then save the value into token.value. For binary, octal and integers, an example of their parsing techniques can be found in jsparagus.

Rust Optimizations

Smaller Tokens

It is tempting to put the token values inside the Kind enum and aim for simpler and safer code:

pub enum Kind {

But it is known that the byte size of a Rust enum is the union of all its variants. This enum packs a lot of bytes compared to the original enum, which has only 1 byte. There will be heavy usages of this Kind enum in the parser, dealing with a 1 byte enum will obviously be faster than a multi-byte enum.

String Interning

It is not performant to use String in compilers, mainly due to:

  • String is a heap allocated object
  • String comparison is an O(n) operation

String Interning solves these problems by storing only one copy of each distinct string value with a unique identifier in a cache. There will only be one heap allocation per distinct identifier or string, and string comparisons become O(1).

There are lots of string interning libraries on with different pros and cons.

A sufficient starting point is to use string-cache, it has an Atom type and a compile time atom!("string") interface.

With string-cache, TokenValue becomes

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum TokenValue {
    // highlight-next-line

and string comparison becomes matches!(value, TokenValue::String(atom!("string"))).

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